Not everyone likes to pay with a credit card. If you would prefer to pay by check (or money order), we provide two options: 1) Simply call (707-SUNESIS) or email us ([email protected]) with your order and address information. We will provide an invoice that includes shipping costs and any applicable taxes. Then simply mail us the check and we will ship your order.
2) Complete an order form online. These are the steps:
Fill your "shopping cart" as if you were paying with a credit card. (Begin by selecting "SHOP" from the menu at the top of this page.)
When you have added the last item to your cart, select "CHECKOUT." (If you don't see this option, hover your mouse pointer over "CART" and a "CHECKOUT" options should appear.)
Add your shipping and contact details, as well as shipping method, to the checkout form.
This form will give you the total cost, including shipping and tax, if applicable. You may print that web page and mail it in with payment, or ...